Unfortunately, we don't currently support Cloud Save in Longleaf Valley, but we are working really hard to get it into the game very soon. If you still have your old phone, all is not lost. In most cases you can manually transfer your game data using the steps below.

Android Device to Android Device

  1. On your old phone or tablet, open the Settings app

  2. Tap on Google Backup
    If these steps don't match your phone or tablet settings, try searching your Settings app for 'backup' or get help from your device manufacturer

  3. Tap Back up now

  4. If you're setting up your new phone or tablet for the first time, follow the on-screen steps to restore your data, during the device setup.

  5. If you've already set up your new phone or tablet

    1. Go to the Google Play Store

    2. Open the menu and select My apps and device

    3. Pick Longleaf Valley as the app data you want to migrate to the new device

For more information, please check out Google's Support Article.

iPhone or iPad to iPhone or iPad

  1. On your old iPhone or iPad, go to Settings > [your name] and tap iCloud

  2. Tap iCloud Backup and then tap Back Up Now

  3. If you're setting up a new iPhone or iPad for the first time:

    1. Follow the set-up instructions for the new iPhone until you get to the Apps & Data screen

    2. Choose Restore from iCloud Backup
      Note: this will restore all your data, not just Longleaf Valley

    3. Sign into iCloud with the same user ID as the old iPhone or iPad

    4. Tap Next and select the most recent backup for installation

  4. If you've already set up your new phone or tablet, unfortunately there are no official ways to restore Longleaf Valley save data without doing a full restore, as described above, which may risk you losing data.

For more information, please refer to Apple's Support Page.

iPhone or iPad to Android, or vice versa

Unfortunately, this isn't currently possible. We're working hard on adding Cloud Save support to Longleaf Valley, so that this will no longer be an issue.

Apologies that we can't do more to help you remotely.