Typically, we release a new game update every 1-2 months. To keep informed on the latest updates, follow us on social media.

We recommend turning on automatic updates, so you never miss out on the latest changes:

On an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch

  1. Go to the Settings app
  2. Tap App Store
  3. Turn on App Updates

For more information, follow this guide from Apple Support.

On an Android Phone or Tablet

  1. Open the Google Play Store app
  2. At the top right, tap the profile icon
  3. Tap Settings 
  4. Tap Network preferences
  5. Tap Auto-update apps
  6. Select an option:
    • Over any network to update apps using either Wi-Fi or mobile data
    • Over Wi-Fi only to update apps only when connected to Wi-Fi

For more information, follow this guide from Google Play Help.

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