On iOS devices such as the iPhone and iPad, all apps must now request permission for your advertising ID (also known as the IDFA) if you're on iOS version 14.5 or higher.

How do you use my advertising ID?

We and our advertising partners use your advertising ID to track you across apps and websites so that you receive personalised ads that are based on your interests and behaviour.

How do I opt-out?

Selecting 'Ask App Not to Track' when you first start Longleaf Valley will opt you out of personalised ads.

You can opt-out at any time following these instructions:

  1. On your device, go to Settings
  2. Scroll down and tap Privacy & Security
  3. Tap Tracking
  4. Locate Longleaf Valley and turn the toggle off

This does not prevent you from playing Longleaf Valley, however your ads will not be personalised and may become less relevant to your interests.

You can read more on Apple Support.